City Life Portraits

VOL.01_Christchurch / New Zealand
Photo by Taro Hirano



Christchurch, a city in the South Island of New Zealand, attracts people from all over the world as a beautiful city with many parks, so much so that it is called the Garden City. Canals flow through the city, and greenery blends into the urban landscape. Just a little way outside the city, nature spreads out, and everyone immerses themselves in outdoor activities. People who meet in the city, where urban and nature meet, enjoy their daily lives in their own style. When they were approached and given ROTOTO socks to wear, they had the luxury of enjoying life. Perhaps this sensibility is brought about by the beauty of Christchurch.


Lena widmes


Lenah, a Swiss woman whom I met in Arthur's Pass National Park, had just come down from the mountains. When I told her I would give her socks as a gift because her trail was muddy, she was thrilled and said it was perfect timing! After taking a break at a cafe in the valley, she planned to head back into the mountains and hike for several more days.




Leonardo and Tessa, who were visiting from the United States, walked the trail to Devil's Punch Bowl waterfall in Arthur's Pass National Park, guided by their friend. They said they swam in the river and laughed, saying "The water was cold, but it was fun." Their ability to enjoy nature reminded me of the laid-back atmosphere of Christchurch.




Alice eating with her friends on the terrace outside. The sunset in New Zealand at this time of year is late and you can have plenty of fun! She has a good old days atmosphere and an independent woman's aura. Red socks should look good on that VANS! If you wear it while being embarrassed, look, it's perfect. She must have liked it.


Dominic Earnshaw


Dominic, who had just finished his run, took a break on a bench near the canal. His styling of spandex shorts and a cut-sleeve t-shirt was surprisingly complemented by his colorful socks. Despite his urban fashion, it blended well with the green background. After the photoshoot, he ran off briskly.


Peron Donathan


Peron was eating ramen on a bench outside at the popular spot Riverside Market, where restaurants, delis, and cheese shops line the street. He mentioned that he is in New Zealand for work from France. His well-groomed beard and the contrast of his casual fashion with sandals are charming.



1973年、東京都生まれ。広告、CDジャケット、ファッション誌、カルチャー誌で活躍中。2004年、渋谷区上原にギャラリー「NO.12 GALLERY」を立ち上げ、2019年まで運営。主な作品に写真集『POOL』(リトルモア)、インタビューと写真を手掛けた『ボクと先輩』(晶文社)、星野源との共著『ばらばら』(リトルモア)など。水辺の同人誌『off the hook』発行人。ROTOTOのシーズンイメージの撮影を2020AWシーズンより担当。

Taro Hirano


Born in Tokyo in 1973. He is active in advertising, CD jackets, fashion magazines, and cultural magazines. In 2004, he launched the NO.12 GALLERY in Shibuya-ku, Uehara, and operated it until 2019. His main works include the photo book "POOL" (published by Little More), "Boku to Senpai" which he conducted interviews and took photos for (published by Shobunsha), and co-authored "Barabara" with Gen Hoshino (published by Little More), among others. He is the publisher of the waterside doujinshi "off the hook" and has been in charge of shooting the season images for ROTOTO since the 2020 AW season.



鎌倉市出身、在住。旅とその土地の記憶を一つのテーマに執筆を行う。新刊に『穏やかなゴースト 画家・中園孔二を追って』(新潮社)。他にアイヌの木彫り職人を取材した『熊を彫る人』(小学館)、新橋駅前のビルをルポした『新橋パラダイス 駅前名物ビル残日録』(文藝春秋)など。

Toshiya Muraoka


Born and currently residing in Kamakura City, the author writes on the theme of travel and memories of the places visited. Their latest book, published by Shincho-sha, is titled "A Gentle Ghost: Following the Painter Koji Nakazono," while their other works include "Bear Carver: A Profile of an Ainu Woodcarving Artisan" published by Shogakukan, and "Shinbashi Paradise: Last Days of a Landmark Building in Front of the Station" published by Bungeishunju.

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